no. . . two words. . . yay cook!! isn't he hot?? . . . . with such an incredibly sexy voice.
haven heard him sing? go dwl
david cook - billie jean (live version)
" - always be my baby (either version.. studio or live)
Friday, May 23, 2008
one word : COOK
Sunday, May 4, 2008
heloo oo... ok i know i just said that ive gotten bored of blogging, but ive been reading like a million blogs and im done and bored. . . so i ended up here. =)
k first things first, it is now 5am, i have a class at 10 am. y the hell am i still wake. god noes
ive been havin sleepin issues, im sleepy-ish but i cant sleep,i toss and turn for hrs before i can sleep well, usually ends up being arnd this time . . . but den i have the privilege of wakin at any time. so al is good. the recommended 8hrs of sleep can still easily be fulfilled.
BUT NOT TODAY! ok i have to go to class tmr.
i tried. i really did. 12am on the dot. i lay in bed. pushed all thoughts out of my head closed my eyes and slowly counted backwards from 100 ( seemed like something boring to do). dint work.
den i got it (eureka??) i thot ill juz sleep late tonite, ill b out the whole day so come nite time again shud be tired rite.
so i got up, took borin book and started to read.... but it was unbearably boring that i skipped thru it lookin for good parts. dby 2.30am dat was over.
still wide-eyed i went and got the laptop. ok i forgot to mention dat today ive been havin a earache. so anyway i decided this was part of the problem. its actually hurtin quite bad. seriously my poor immune system can be quite a pain sometimes.
also i drank some alcohol sometime before comin to bed.... so neway. its 3 and a half hrs later... dats how long ive been online, mostly readin blogs. which is why. tadaaa. im here.
k this is quitw a boring post. so im sorry =)
but den again. u choose to come here and read this of ur own will... soooo its ur problem =)
if there are still sum of u who checkout me blog frm time to time... sorry for the lack of updates but u noe wat? its kinda boring.. i thot id haf lots free time to do like last sem... but i dunt, coz now ive made friends frm business school.. so reaaly thrs not much time, sorry.
PLUs... blogging is like a public diary (kind of) and well frm past experiences wen i haf a diary i tend to get bored of writing after a while... same thing here.
but who noes? mayb the writing spirit will hit me again... till den. . . . . .