Monday, March 24, 2008

long hair . short hair.

found the pics!
ok now open ur lil eyes ppl.. and l.o.o.k
dun laugh now.. i noe its not a good pic.. but juz watch the hair.

now seeeSEE! do u SEEE??

fringe :: frm above my eyebrow to me nose. admittedly it took an agonising 6 mths to get thr.
might not seem much to u. but it is to me. .

so dun la ask me if i cut it. . . ur juz burstin my happy bubble.

and no i didnt straighten it. it was sum hair relaxing thing. but looks more straight.. and i was expecting it to have nice bouncy curls... but watever.. works for me.

ohh and can u belive wat my mum said??

mum: nat, u shud cut ur hair, get a shorter fringe and maybe cut the rest a lil shorter too.
me: wth!!! did u not see me suffer for mths with icky hair... i was juz dyin for it to grow out... and
dis is wat u say?? (ok no. i didnt excatly said, but thats wat the look i gave her meant.)

no time =(

hey u noe wat? i so have no masa to blog.u noe why last sem i seemed to have endless time to blog? because i used to skip alot of classes.
but now bad girl turned good so i attend all me classes. even the ultra-boring ones.

i wanted to post a pic of my hair difference coz ppl keep askin me if i cut it.. -_-
its all nice and long now. and ur sayin i cut it?
wtf. cmon ppl (snaps fingers) i noe u dun like looking at me. . . but atleast be a teensy weensy bit more observant. neway i cant find the pics... so too bad... till next time =)

Sunday, March 9, 2008


petweena, incase ur wondering. . . yea dat is ur bf, not sure why he'z closing his eyes... mayb he was juz appreciating the gift of technology dat we have now. i dunno. u can ask him.

this was Calvin's first ever clubbing experience and surprise surprise. . . . he was drunk by the end of the night. . . and was doing voluntary catwalks around the place juz because some girl asked him too... . .
all the 5 of us at bar celona . . pity cuedn get my other cousinto come, he'z stangely shy and doenst seem to like hangin out with us much.. . . . prob doin stuff he doesnt want us to see... or maaaayb he has a gf.. awwww how cute... and doenst want us to noe..

calvin;s last night.... so goes with/o sayin yes he got drunk again, according to him tho... he drinks way less in Aussie.. wonder if dats true... . . .

as promised in a previous post.. these are FEW of the million pics taken during the cousin-craze fortnight

helo helo opposition

woot woot can u believe it. . . . bn for the first time ever is not holiding 2/3 of the parliament seats. .dats great for us! and yay for selangor, we are officially under DAP, if only sabah sarawak had more opposition candidates then bn would probably be holding lesser seats den they have right now.

have to admit tho.. i was a weee bit worried when watching the results on tv sat night. at the time PAS had secured more seats than PKR or DAP, and that im sorry to say is scary. what if they took over?? from wat i hear if u werent born and bred there,(kelantan) u wud not find it a happy place. who noes right they might try to change the rest of the states to be more like kelantan. thank goodness dat for another good 5 years we will not have to know.

oh btw dat reminds me.. anyone up for a road trip to kelantan.. im juz curious to se what its like.

lots of rumors were circulating dat we might go down memory lane of may13th...
welll.... rumors proved to be wrong, besides think about it logically, all parties had candidates from every race, so how wud anyone noe who to be mad at right?
my mum is weird she wanted to vote for the independant candidate just because she figured he wouldnt have many voters....

this election thing can get confusing.. for the first time ever i was actually interested in it. . . .
u noe one day i shud run for some cool position, id ban motorbikes first of all...
ok mayb not... but id set the motorbike license age at 25... coz by den ppl wud be mature enough to know the value of life and wud drive more carefully right. . . . but ill think abt dat in arnd 5 years. .. right now im not even old enuf to vote. =(

oh wellll. . . till next time ppl.... byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I have an hour to kill before i go for me first Law lecture with nothing to do seeing as im a sad anti-social alien with no friends so how abt i blog instead? for those of u whu are frequent banana blog readers this shud make u happy yea?

soooo anyway, do u noe how i spent my oh-so happy 3 and a half mths of holidays?
hey im asking you. yep Y-O-U, coz i have no idea. . .
i really dunt noe wat i was doing, but it was fun and i dunt think i was ever bored
i was alwiz out and yet i havent seen some of me friends in like forever.

but end of Jan me cousin came down frm Aus, he shud haf been like a young innocent little boy seeing as he was only 16, but nop, he acted more like he was 10 yrs older den me, and him being abt 6ft tall didnt reaaly help. those two weeks were great, we had super cousin-bonding time, all d 5 five of us, and def now we noe we'r related, we'r all alil weird xcept for berns tho. . . . i wud have confirmed her to be adopted if she didnt look so much like her brother. but like she said u always need one person in the family whu'z sane... guess dats her den..

us older cousins took the younger ones to their 1st clubbin, 6 nights over 2 weeks. . . . with lots of drinking and crazy weird dancing. unfortunately i cuden drink as i was the designated driver for the whole 2 weeks. . . .
Luckily for Calvin and I , benjy and panda were on holiday for CNY. i will post a few pics nx time to show u cousin- time.

Oh oh.. and i didn work as well, a full 9- days out of 3 and a half mths. hahah! gettin a total of umm... close to 1000, dats arnd 90 bucks a day. . . not too bad...
first 2 jobs were totally taxing, physically. but d last one dat was at melaka over the weekend was super fun, I can now go join a kindergaten ( teach not be taught), It involved all these tiny little itsy bitsy kids rangin frm abt 1 yrs to 6 yrs. . . . dey were so cute.... im definitely gonna make one of those someday.

was watchin all these parents come in with their kids, look at wat kind of things to buy for their kids, pushin them arnd in the trolley and i was thinkin according to the 'plan' that wud be me in abt 6 yrs- ish. EEEkkk... dats fast..... those ppl are old... and dey cant haf fun anymore coz dey haf new responsibilties. And it made me realize. . dat i shud haf be having all the fun i can get now!!!
And u noe wat?? SO SHUD YOU!
do it while u still can. . . . come out of ur lil cocoon! be wild! let ur hair down! and if u haf short hair den shave ur head, buy a wig, tie it up den let ur hair down.. . .
go around sayin YIPEE wipEEE DO!

WOOt WoooTT!!

and dats all for today ladies and gentlemen . good night. ( i think dat came frm ryan seacrest)


helo heloooooo ppl
loong loong time no seee. . . . this is an official announcement to official state that i will be returning to my 'old' but current post of blogging.
why so bananatasha? u may ask. . . . .. the answer is simple bimple
the bloody college has re-opened!! why dey have chosen to torture us this way is beyond me. . . . and to top it off i have got like the suckiest timetable ever!
to begin with i have class every single day. . . . wtf?? watevr happened to 3 day weekends?
and den, on thurs i have a class dat starts at 1. that is juz plain stupid.
i tried to modify this obscenely ( is dat how u spell it?) horrifying timetable but wat did d so-called nice lady say???
im so sorry my dear. but everything is full-up, packed to the brim, no room for changes
i have come up with a good plan that is going to help me, ( and no no, despite wat u think im not gonna go sleep with my program director. no no, nothing of the sort, bcoz its a HER not HIM, altho come to think of it im sure she likes me, she'z always smiling at me....hmmm)
which will be carried out next week. lets hope it will work =)

wish me luck freak-a-zoids!!