uh ohh, i think i hear raindrops. NOT COOL tasmania! not cool!! as if it isnt cold enough.
guess what? guess what? i have found a new hobby, ...............................* drumroll*
[putting things together]!!! wooot! not like math 2+ 2 = 4.... no no, none of that crap... i mean wood, bolts, nails, ummm screwdrivers and hammers....
my aunty recently bought a small little computer desk with a pull out slab thingy for your keyboard and she asked Cal to put it together. he said ohhhh, do I really have to?? i said' oooh lemme at it! lemme at it!
so yeaaa i got all my gear and started fixing it up... took me a good hour and a half... mainly because i needed 3 hands, but God conviniently decided two would be sufficient.
good call though... i mean, where would my 3rd hand be? coming out from my chest?? eeek
so i fixed up nice and tight.... and it felt really good... shortly after that i bought my self a much bigger desk... and ohh the fun! twaaas very very good..
come, lemme show you the fruits of my labour.
computer desk 1 : small, beige and comes with pull-out thingy. Umm dont mind the clothes
desk 2 : dark brown, long, has two small drawers.
again, try and overlook the mess...
exams are coming!! there is no time for neatness.... pffft
ooh ohhh and i got pictures that made its way up to my wall fo fame........ if u look im sure you will find yourself in at least one of those pictures..
if you dont, worry not, i still have a million more waiting to be printed out.. thats the view from my bed...
and close up.....
im not sure why im posting all this, prob because its an awesome way to procrastinate, i would be playing tetris, but really ill go crazy if i play anymore.
Monday, May 25, 2009
screw finance, i should be a carpenter.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
look! look! itsfunny looking INDIAN people!
ok. im b.o.r.e.d.. ive got an hour to kill ( thats how long its gonna take for grey's anatomy to finish downloading )
im an staaarving.... but im pretty sure that subway does not have free wifi excess... so am just stuck for awhile on the increasingly uncomfortable chair...
ok anyyyyyywaaaay. i have remembered something funny! lemme tell u! lemme tell uu!
ok i hope i havent posted anything about this before.. if i have then too bad :P
sooo in dec the cousins and I ( plus lester) took a trip to Langkawi...
had an awesome time! berns and I indulged in some massage therapy time... where she was in the same room as me and kept squealing every time they so much as touched her toes... i only HAD to laugh when they approached my ultimate ticklish spot ( one that will not be mentioned)
berns ,les and I watched THE MOST AWESOME sunset ever while sitting on the beach sipping long island tea..... we agreed it was the best 12 mins of the trip.
we had fun swimmin sessions. drunk kareoke sessions. parasailing. jetskiing.lots of alcohol and chocolates! the travelling was a bitch though... but it turned out alright..
sooo back to my point. one of the evenings, amanda and I were at the beach... trying to get a glimpse of the sunset, but we were too late ( first day) and waiting for the other 3... we started camwhoring... suddenly i noticed this guy with a video camera that was aimed at us, so i asked amanda, is he taking a video of us?? looks like it right?
then he noticed that we noticed and he said hello and waved... camera still in hand.. i smiled and we turned away... then he called out to us... heeelo and continued waving and aiming that thing at us...
then he walked over... and a lady joined him... and they started trying to talk to us.. clearly they werent malaysians... started speaking in Mandrin at top speed.. smiling lots..
they : ( mandrin words)
we : we malaysians
they: ahhh Malaaaysiaa?
we: yes we are from here.. where are u guys from?
they: ( mandrin )
we: umm.. holiday?? taiwan? hongkong? china??
they: ahhh... china china!
then pointed their camera at us... and started taking pictures of us... they seeemed veery excited.
we felt a little awkward and amanda tried to show them that they shud be in the picture too..
so they all brought their little cameras.. like 3 in total... the 2 of them had shouted excitedly to their friends who were abit farther away while pointing as us...
so they all came... 6 in total... and took turns taking pictures of us... we were literally on display... one lady was so excited she was jumping... and clapping her hands... it was a little strange..
then we realised.. that.. omg.. this people have not see any indian people up close before... thats why they were so excited..
me and amanda quickly escaped though... it felt alittle straneg being on display like that..
was a weird experience... les and cal came soon after.. they had missed all the good fun!
greaaaaaaat! download got slower, it is now an hour and 50 mins... yay! i can sit here hunched and hungry.. this shud be fun..... zzzz
here I am, sitting on an uncomfortable chair with no back support at the Melbourne Airport,
ive become so familiar with this place that i didnt even have to look for signs to point me in the right direction this time, i just walked straight out here and connected my laptop in, after being here for the 6th time. novelty has definitely worn out.
only upside to this is that i get to download at a pretty good speed. the connection isnt as good as it can be though.. i dont know which part of the airport id have to sit at to see all 5 bars green, i figured that walking around with my laptop open tryin to detect stringer signals is pushing it abit to far...
plus there are like a million people here now.. they might look at my funny, if they dont already!
to be honest... im not all that excited to be going home... i was when i booked my ticket.. but now that the time has come..... im not so sure... its temp though... i felt the same in dec...
but once i touch down on malaysian ground... ill be all.. woooooooooot!!! HOME!!
thing is, ive gotten settled in... and becoming familiar with my undeniably boring routine... and everytime i have to leave kl, i sit in bed depressed for a week or so wishing i could *click* and teleport back home...
but its definitely gonna be worth it... : )
seeee ya soooooooon!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
ok here is a little lesson for you..
i have
you have
we have
they have
he/she has
I sense a common factor here.. h.a.v.e apart from the exceptional has...
english = easy
now the french people apparently dont want anyone to learn their language as they have made it veeeery veeery difficult, i recently found a few people in my class who have attempted the subject before and failed!
ahh my confidence has never been better
anyway, back to my lesson.
this is how the french do it
i have : j'ai
you have : tu as
we have : nous avons
you(pluriel) have : vous avez
he/she has : il/elle a
they have : ils/elles ont
there is NO common word! how ridiculous.. and who would have thought that chairs,books,tables and any other objects in general would have to be classified as masculine/feminine?
i still am enjoying my french class though.... just need to make sure I dont fail it
i spent about 2 hours doing an online quiz today whereby i had to listen to audio recordings in french and then answer the quiz accordingly..
the pluriels really kill you... honestly it is so difficult to tell the diff between cashier and cashiers both pronounced ( ka-hier).
this is blog post no 4 this year... one blog per month... i should just do 12 and get over with it then wait for next yeaaar! whooop
people dont seem to blog much anymore..ive nothing to read online! so im posting my own so i can read it.
gotta go get fat and happy on chocolate kids...
one of te first sentences i memorized in French.. j'aime le chocolat ( le = masculine btw) it must be why girls like it.
a bientot!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
bonjour mes amies,
comment cava : )
i still cant realy say any sentences in French much alone understand if someone stood in front of me and recited numbers from 1 - 10 in francais... but but buuuuut... i can understand when i read it!... well not all of it of course... but quite a bit... ones from my textbook anyway... its so the cool..
I can read gibberish and make sense out of it.. woot. the skills just keep on coming, dont they.
ummm.. i thought i knew what i was gonna say... but now i have convieniently forgotten..
truth is.. im blogging only because its about the only excuse I have left for not studying.
Internet is being bitch.. and going at snail speed... FB is out of the question....
ummmm.... uhhhhhh...
yesterday in town, while I was quietly minding my own business someone handed me a leaflet thingy... seeing as Im still sorta lacking in the socializing department i decided to read it..
it was a comic strip.. about a guy who always left things until the last minute.. like homework, chores.. etc and then never actually getting them done.. till one day this guy tells him about christianity and Jesus and how he should accept Christ to go to Heaven... and he being him says laater.. and then happens to die... and the last comic stip is a picture of fire with the words.. where do you think he ended up? heaven or hell?
isn't that sorta harsh?? for example.. say this person X is an athiest, and he is a pretty good person... not mean or spiteful... he is kind and thoughful, he donates time, effort and money to charity.. and basically is not 'sinning' every day of his life... when he dies, is he going to hell? simple because he isnt a christian?
If that were true... then its mean.. isnt the purpose of religon to promote kind unmalicious acts? Why make it that one HAS to go through specific religion in order to go to heaven?
I havent decided yet if I wanna go to church for Easter yet. Don't freak out Becky! = )
Saturday, March 21, 2009
the lonely square moon
Feel like its time to put up another post... : )
not like i really have anything to say though... oh hey, guess what me friends.. I am taking the effort to make friends.... : ) i went to the beaach coz it was a sweltering 27 degrees... prob one of the last hot days for awhile.. and it was on a saturday which was a bonus point...
so yep.. there were a bunch of us who headed to the beach.. soaked up some sun... let the waves lick my feet, but then realised that it was icy cold and stepped back...
went to watch a stand-up comedy later on that night... was pretty funny.. considering it was aussie humor.. and then an irish band came on.. and there were a whole bunch of hippies trying to do some ssort of jig that was meant to go with the music..
when they werent doing that, they were busy pushing and shoving each other and wrestling on the floor.. still looked like they were having fun though.....
walked around the city.. talked to some people.. met some americans on a vacation.. which was quite fun.. we just stood around talking for about 30 mins
so there... are you proud of meeeeeee? im not this anti-social person anymoreeee
i wanna move out closer to uni... travelling in a bus for about 2 hrs plus a day to attend a 50 min class is starting to get on my nerves... me mummy says I can start looking into it.. Joy! having my own.. place... how the exciting.. only downside would be no more hot meals awaiting me when I get home.. unless my aunty is a fan of delivering food to me...
but hey.. maybe ill eat lots less then... and get rid of some of the unwanted fats : )
adios amigo : )
i reeally should be practicing my french.. not spanish....bleh
Thursday, March 12, 2009
my oldest and bestest friend had to said goodbye to her Mum in the most painful way possible, and I wasn't there for her.
Aunty Merle was such an amazing, warm person who like my grandma always wanted to make
sure I had lots to eat.
for the 15 years I knew her she had always been so supportive of me and my mum, helping us whenever possible.
She helped my Mum start over by moving, she was the one there for us when I had the accident, she always seemed to know what to do, and how to best handle things.
She was an amazingly strong person who was incredibly proud of my best friend and for some strange reason liked frogs.
i wont ever forget the pride and prejudice night the 4 of us had, or the time Aunty Merle teamed up with Pet and Romi to try and convince me to eat chicken feet.
i will always remember the time i tried this incredible tasting dish made by Aunty Merle only to find out that it was egg-plant. who knew it could taste so good
I know Mopsy is going to miss her so much. once i heard Aunty Merle showering praises and kisses, saying 'oh my youngest daughter, I missed you sooooo much, did you miss me?' i thought she was talking to Romi, but i walked into the room only to find that she was holding Mopsy and talking to her.
I cant even begin to understand what Pet,Romi and Uncle Cosmos must be going through right now. I still cant believe it. i feel sad that I didnt get to say goodbye.
She will always be with you babe, in spirit and in your heart. Im here for you and I love you lots.