the things i mention here might have u call me a sadist. But ppl u are using the wrong term. U r actually looking for the word masochist.
Sadist : enjoys inflicting pain on others
Masochist : enjoys having pain inflicted on themselves.
OK now dunt get scared im not daaaaat bad. its juz minor things.
in sumways to me its painful pleasure.
so here are the things dat may or may not make me a masochist. =)
1. i enjoy putting salt on my (mouth) ulcers, at first it was to kill the germs, n it hurt like crazy but i found it be a rather enjoyable feeling n so now i always do it. kinda like gettin an adrenaline rush. . .

2. I like having injections, more specifically blood tests. . . always haf... even as a child.

discovered my strange fetish wen i had to be tested 4 abt a week for dengue wen i was 7. .
i was actually enjoying myself..(nurses didnt haf to worry abt me being afraid... dey called me a brave child.... hahah...little did dey noe)
in Std 6 for BCG i was excited to get it wen most ppl were afraid.
in form3. . . no one seemed to wanna go first 2 get the tetanus shot. . . . but i was happy to go
to tell u the truth i seriously cuden wait to get it. . . coz it had been ages since i got one....
3. K dis mite scare u little.
I once peeled off my skin whr i had accidently burnt myself. . . .
it felt so good. . . it was bleeding like crazy coz it was already half healed
but the pain was terrible. . . halfway thru tears were rollin down my face. but i kept goin newayz.
my mum thot i was crazy... coz i kept sayin ouch as i was peelin it off.
i tried to do it again. but it had healed too much = (.
4. when i was 9, for sum reason i start hittin myself with a ruler, repeatedly for no apparent reason. . . by the end of it my hand were red and i was crying. Till today i haf no idea wat possessed me to do dat. but i know y i did it. . . . . . . . . it was nice.
K now dats ive listed the these things down. . . it seems kinda freaky. . . but these r minor things im not dat bad. ( like sum of those ppl whu whip themselves) but u be the judge.
seeing as im a bit strange like this. . . id prob make a good junkie, embrace d pain of gettin a tattoo n immensly enjoy havin an acupuntur treatment. all in all its good. =)
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