Soooo..... Surprise Surprise i didnt get lucky the other day = ( which can only mean one thing.
:: My poor much-older-den-its actual years back is aching so much to the point that wen i move its no longer called walking.. its more like hobbling along.....SIGHHH. . .
Another Surprise Surprise. . . . i FINALLLLY DID IT!!! FINALLY!!! after all the pressure and stress and contemplations. I DID IT! *big wide smile*
[if u dun't noe wat im talking about. . . i mean my Assignment... not 'it' u weirdo. . . ]
Againnn. . . Surprise Surprise its FRIDAY!! wheeee. . . . do i get to have fun?? NOP!
why?? because now have next assignment to get started on. *shakes head in disgust*
but if u havent noticed. . . i am super-procrastinator-girl. . . due on monday.. il start tmr =)
Soo... wat am i doin today?? Finallly gonna meet shafffy! can't belive she'z abandoning me for sum dumb literature course in Europe or sumthing. . . . like WTF? cant figure out which is worse... doin literature... or abandoning me!
Den if i can pluck up enuf courage. . . i might juz watch One Missed Call again. its called :
My life after i had struggled months to put the horrifying movie behind me was almost perfect. . . until dat one fine day. . . Panda's phone rang and what do u noe? Surprise Surprise. . . the bloody ringtone.. scared the f*** out of me. which brought me to the sad but true realization dat i hadn't put it behind me. So only thing i can think of doin now. is to keep watching it. OVer n OVER N oVER N OVER again... until it no longer freaks me out! den i shalll be set free of the nasty ringtone demons.. FREEEEEEEE! FREEE i tell you... FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Dunt think i dunt noe wat ur sayin to urself... ur secretly pointin and whispering behind my back dat u think im weeird.. juz coz U found dat movie stupid and sooo NOT scary.
but i dun't care.... it totally freaked me out... Y do u think i no longer sleep in my own bed??
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Surprise Surprise!!
Posted by
8:51 PM
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