if ur life sux. . . . u noe one thing dat can make u feel better even if its only temporary?
no not alcohol, ( ok mayb a lil' lil' bit)
F - O - O - D
yummy yummy yummy food dat for a little time makes u feel as if u haf died and gone to heaven
ok.. this is not according to my preference. . its jus food to die for =)
Food no. 1 ::
almost any choc made in Australia, like cadbury. . .
stick a bar in ur mouth, slowly move it around let it melt in ur mouth. . . sighhhhh
unfortunately in this sad country we get really limited choices, try going to the cadbury factory. . dey haf soooo many varieties, some totally
Food 2 ::
h.a.s.h browns. . . . cooked to yummy perfection, Mc'ds has mastered this technique.
Food 3::
Vanilla coke . . .. i swear im on cloud 9 everytime i drink this . . . . esp wen i first tasted it in Aus, den i had to wait over a year before they introduced it here, but it was totally worth it. =) im generally not a coke person, but this coke creation is amazing,
take a long slow sip, at first its juz plain ol' coke, den u swallow it all and... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee
wat a great feeling.
Food 4 :::
Mc'ds breakfast - sausage patty
i dunno wat dey put in it. . . . but take even a teeny weeny bite and u can taste the intensity of the flavour. .. its so yummy yummy. . .
Food 5 ::: Ski - Diveine Yogurt
First time i tasted it it was French Vannila. . . . it was so good, i went out and bought a 1 kg tub the next day, and i juz sat infront of the TV and ate and ate and ate it till thr was nothing left.
Den i came back here, and realised they dunt sell it here, not that flavour anyway. . . and over here it costs almost 20 bucks for the same tub. Can u belive it its been 5 yrs since i ate it. . . this is definitely classified as heavenly food.
And just so u noe, not everything tastes that great, just 'french vanilla'
Food 6::
My aunty's Tiramisu cake, unfortunately i dunt haf a pic, but its the best cake in the world, since she make it once for my bday i haf tried almost every tiramisu cake dat i come across and none have even come close =(.
Food 7::
Reese, yummy peanut- paste like substance filled chocolate.
u might be skeptical at first, but put it in ur mouth, take that first bite. . . chew chew.... and ooooomgg.... wooooo. Its in sold in Malaysia now. .. for only 2 sumthing. .
go try it and enjoooy.... yum yum
ok i cant think of any other heaven-on-earth foods atm,
now i feel like sum kind of food promoter or sumthing. i shud so open a shop dat sells all this stuff...
and wen ppl feel like dey'r life sux. . . dey can come to my shop and instantly feel better, while i play the TM lets talk ad. [ MmmmMM helo . . . heloooooo]
i can call it ::: 'Tasha's Feel Good'
slogan :::: feeling down?? come to Tasha's Feel Good to feel up =)
k now im just rambling on abt nothing. . . . . .
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
heaven on earth
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
celebrate . . .celebrate
i never knew i cud wikipedia my birthday. . . . (well duh i know now) - thx to Petweena
so i did n guess wat?? no famous ppl dat i noe died or were born on the 11th of June. . . .
buuuut. . . . it is KAMEHAMEHA DAY every year in HAWAII
and its an official state holiday. . isnt dat cool?? Im so gettin married on like June 9th and den ill fly thr for my honeymoon. . . and the whole state will be celebrating with me. . .and they haf parades and hulas and everything. . wheeeeeee!!
and for my name . . . N.A.T.A.S.H.A. (incase u didnt noe)
my name means 'birthday of the lord' so traditionally was given to girls born around xmas time.
and is also apparently a [monkey] at the Safary Park zoo. . . near ISrael -_-
. . . . . ummmm oookaay. . . .
procrastination. again?
its 9.40am now. . . . i have a class at 10,
and i haf an assignment due today.. . . last one. n havent started.
ill have a break frm 12-1. . . will have to do it in that short -time span
WTH is wrong with me. . . its due today ive two classes. . . and free time now but im not doin my assignment. . nooooo. . .im blogging abt how i shud be doin it.
blogging shud be banned. . .
it keeps people from doin the other important stuff. . .
come to think of it . . . so shud facebook and friendster. . . and all those kind of websites.. .
N youtube definitely joins the no-no list.
And wen the goverment has sucessfully banned all these types of web surfing. . .
we will all be forced to actually do assignments when we are at the com.
the world will be a better place. . .
till we end our semester and find dat we haf 3 mths break with nothing to do on the com.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
yellow and bluee
When i first moved here. . my mum rushed out and got us sum chairs to sit on. . .or better known as sofas. For sum reason she thought it'd be fun to buy yellow sofas with blue flowers on them. . . .
i think she felt we were living in sum sort of doll-house, b'coz she went and got blue and yellow curtains as well. . .
soooo anyway. . . Les came over one day, and he was wearing a yellow tshirt and blue shorts. .
my mum asked him if he purposely dressed dat way to fit in with the house. . . (haha obviously not). then she insisted i take a photo of him 'blending in'
hahaha... . . . dunt u think he fits right in with my furniture??
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Pointless conv?
tasha says: so anyway how'z UK now? ahs it improved yet?
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: uk been ok so far
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: no nat
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: here
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: so obviously its better now
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says:
u saw choo yang tody?
tasha says: bleh
tasha says: but i was born thr.... so i already gave the country my touch and my essence... dats y its nice =)
tasha says: hey... are u spying on me???
tasha says: no ur spying on CY right??
tasha says: u weird gay
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: haha essence it seems
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: yuck..
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: hahahah yea i am
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: i haf my eyes in kl
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: following him aroudn..
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: wat to do
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: i need to take care of my frenz rite ?
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: like u.. i noe wat ur doing now.
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: ur sittin down in front of the com
nyick. I know what R'n'B stands for !!! says: talkin on msn
You noe what this is??? it is a totally pointless conversation.
but den, it i what we do to pass time. . apparently it makes conversations more interesting.but does it really?
and why am i posting this up? probably because i have nothing else to say anyway.
what a useless post.
Monday, October 22, 2007
mmm. . . . helo hellloooooo
im sure everyone watches TV. . or if they dunt den dey at least go to the movies right?
TM Net has been promoting their Lets Talk package for awhile now. anddd. . . . .
I LOVEEE dey'r advert for it.
u noe. . . the one dat goes:
bla bla... bla bla...bla....
(den this man in a really cool voice) MMM..... helo helloooooo... ohhh helooo helloooo...(higher pitch) oooh helo helooo. . . .
click on this link. . . and choose the first commercial and >PLAY<
its GREAT! totally..totally grrrreat... like one of the most awesome-st adverts ever.
Nop... im not crazy. . . but frm the first time me and my mum heard it. . we use to laugh den try and follow the man... "mmmm.. heloo helooo"
and now dey'r playin the adverts in the cinema too... hahahaha... its sooo cool
everytime i watch i can feel the excitement building up in me. . .waiting for the magic words. . .
and den when i hear it.. . . . hheheheh...hahahah... i cant help but start laughing. . .
cant belive i never thot to look it up online. . but now ive found it =)
i shall write to tell them and tell dem just wat i think.
again. im not crazy.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
i lovee NG .T . Y!!!!
ooOOOHHH. . . . . yay! yay! yaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!!!
yippee whipeeee. . . . . . wat a happy happy day..
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . . . .
i am so in love with Ng. T. Y right now. . . altho he is a balding, man in his (late fifities??)
Dat nice nice. . . . oh so nice man. . .
ok dunt freak out yet. . . .
lemme tell u the story. . ..
yesterday i realised i was so out of time. . as i haf 2 assignments due on Fri. . . which ive barely even started. . . so i went to see my lecturer and asked for an extension on one it. .
to which he kindly but sternly said "no. . it wuden be fair. . . and u knew about the assignment frm over a mth ago. . . and remmeber i told the class. this time no extensions, but do look for updates on the notice board"
so ok fine.... he was right. . . so i walked away dejected and a lil panicky. . .
so today im here. . . went to check out the notice board.. . . . and YAY!!!!!!!!!!
its been extended to Wed..... wheeeeeeeeeeEEE.. wat a nice man...
and this solely the reason why i love NG . T .Y
it'll eventually fade off. . .(my love for him) once Tues comes and im back to square one....
*big smile* i think i shall go and give him a bear crushing hug in class later today. . .
if it isnt violating any rules.
laterrrrrrrrz. . .
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Freaky Raya
So. . . 2nd day of raya. . . i went shoppin with my mum. . .
i dunno why they didnt stop more to the side. . . dey were right in the middle of my lane. . . with the hazard lights on. . .
happy raya!
made lots of dumb jokes... made fun of each other
me in my kebaya. . . i figured it'll look better if i jus cut off my head :
i went and chilled with grandma for awhile..... it was good... she even managed to give me a mini scalp massage and back massage.... . . . . . . it's amazing. . . .i was in pain (back massage ) and i want my hair to grow faster (scalp massage) and she wanted to make me feel better esp wen she'z in dat condition.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sex in Space. . .
i dunt understand. . . i heard that the malaysian rocket guy (who is probably defying gravity by floating around in space) had to undergo like a year of training. . .
isnt dat kinda long. . . how difficult can it be. complicated enough that u haf to spend a year of ur life preparing?? (mayb i heard wrong), i mean i wud haf thought it'd be more like 2 mths maybe. .. . .
So yesterday rocket dude flew up into space. . .sittin in a cramped lil space tryna look like he was having fun. . . and u noe for a rocket dude. . he'z not bad looking =)
If i went to space i'd wanna pee out in the open and see wat happens to it. . .
normally pee follows the gravity pull.... but not up thr. . . how interestin to see ur pee floating around . . .
ok maybe not. . . its kinda icky.. . u might float right into.. . . oookaaay enough space pee analysis. k mayb id use water as a substituite for pee.. . .
i drink tons of water. . . so most of the time. . . im jus peeing out water again. . .. so im guessing it'll be almost the same thing.
How bout having sex up thr? i think it'll be cooll
u noe lotsa ppl go around saying. . . i did in it the car. . ..i did on the bathroom floor. . . i did in the cinema( ookaaay). . . . i did it on my parents bed. . . kitchen. . . park . .. watever....
my goal is dat. . . . . in 7 years from now i will be able to stand outside n point upwards to the vast sky. . . beyond the clouds and say. . .. i did it up there =)
Nothing at all. . .
wow. . . its been years since my last post, i guess thrs just nothing much to say. . . .
even now . . . . i dunno wat to blog abt. . . nobody does, u noe why? coz our lives pretty much work in routine. .
we attend classes . . . . hang out( wid probably the same ppl everyday) doin the same thing. . .
do assignments. . . go hang out in the same usual spots.
and wen thrs this sort of repetition. . . u duunt haf sumthin new n exciting happenin everyday. the next time i blog and im at home. . . i shall talk abt my once-in-a-lifetime odd socks fetish if i already havent.
oooh guess wat??? my DSM acknowledged my presence yesterday.
see b4 my mid-term i had been skipping tons of classes, and DSM was like the main one. so neway after the break i decided i had better attend all my classes. . . and so wen i first came to class. .. .
frend : how many classes haf u missed.
nat: not sure.. . but feels like i havent been here quite awhile
lecturer (callin out attendance) natasha
nat: here
lecturer: oh finally ur here after 3 weeks...
nat &frend...: oooh okaaay. . .
lecturer (calling out attendance)natasha
nat: here
lecturer: ahhh see... natasha 's now a changed girl, she's attendin all her classes
nat: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ( not out loud)
conclusion: DSM lecturer. . acknowledged my presence
i noe... i noe... its sad uninteresting bits of info. . .
but really dats all i can come up with right now = ).
goodbye my fellow bloggies. . . may a sense of peace befall u wen blog. . . and may ur fingers be quick enough to follow ur thots wen ur typing. . .
unite we shall all us meaningless bloggies. . . . end of my post i have come. . . .
goodbye now i shall say. . .
(ooooh i so cud haf played the weird lil green man whu talks backwards in star wars!)
:may the force be with u:
- nat a.k.a yoda (lil green man)
Monday, October 8, 2007
weird quizzes!
You're Daily Source Code!
While you're not the most exciting person in history, you are
widely regarded as a pioneer and even a visionary. Your largest focus is music,
but you understand that this is not quite the only thing in life. Your favorite
movie is "The Godfather", and there are those who fear this could inspire you
to take over the world, or at least your neighborhood. When you want to eat
ethnic food, you choose Indian.
Take the Podcast Quiz
at The Mep Report Podcast.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
check this out!
HEY GUYS.. GO CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE. . . . AND LISTEN TO ALL THE SONGS THERE. . . . . under the Aural Joint Jukebox. . . .ITS GREAT. . . AND ITS BRIAN'S BAND.. . . if ya noe me... u noe brian wong... so go check.. it out...
for a Malaysian band dey'r GooooooD!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

In abt 2 weeks. . . i will be in my 13th Week of Semester 2.. . . .
This i tell u is crazy. . . . i mean WTH??? 11 weeKS??? dats a lil too long 2 fast....
where the hell did the time go? it literally flew past.
ANywaaay... u noe wat happens in the 13th week? we haf assignments due!
stupidly enough. . . . most assignments are scheduled to be handed in the same week. . .
dey'r probably tryna give us sum hands-on stress training b4 we step out into the not-so-big but-oh-so-scary-world out there. Dum ppl.....
i mean c'mooOOON! like u already noe ppl l;ike me... do things last min.( wen i say i last min, i really mean last min) so how am i supposed to finish it all..
hey u noe wat??? i feel like tryin out the chocolate martini at Tony Roma's dat Pet always mentions. = )
Orrr... Sex on the Beach at Laundry. Puikar said " OMG. . .. it was SOOOOOOOooOO nice"
hahah... yea its sex on the beach.... dey'r prob tryna recreate the physical feelin in the drink.
weirdoes. heey...mayb u can get orgasms frm drinking dat.( ok mUm IF u see this, dunt kill me, or be disappointed, im 19, i know dis things, haf known since i was 11)
haihzzz.. that was very random.
another random thing : today im gonna go home cook ( i think) i shall make me grilled fish again and the spaghetti-yummy-sauce. . .. . so dat i can eat spaghetti later on during the week. *big smile* i need to learn how to cook more stuff... these things are getting boring.
anybody wanna kindly pass on to me... some yummy receipes u might haf?
laterzzz . .. . .. . . . ..