Hey u! Do u like indomee? if u do den. . . . . BEWARE!!!
come. . .*pats the seat next to me* lemme tell u a story . . . . . .
waaay back. . . wen i was just a little girl, i asked my mother wat will i be. . . .ummm no not excatly. hehehe sorry. lemme start again
wAAAaaaaaY back. . . . wen i was just little girl (well 16 yrs old actually) i was introduced to what i like to call 'the magic noodles,' i was over at my at-the-time frend's house Les wen he asked me. . ." woud u like to try dis? itssssss Damn nice"
me being the oddly skeptical person dat am said : are u sure? cant be daaat nice.. but ok sure ill try
SO he cooked me sum. . . its not the usual Maggi noodles... its the dry one not all wet and soup-y,
at first bite. . . i was...mmm... not bad quite nice, by the time i had consumed the entire packet i was hooked. I requested for another bowl, which the so-called-chef was happy to make. . and after finishin my yummy yummy scrumptious meal... i felt wat can only be described as pure bliss...... sighhhh... the good 'ol days.

Neway. . . the next few times i went over to his place, i kept eating "the magic noodles"
den i tried prawn flavour. . . and OMG!!! IT WAS GREAT!!!!
it was the best thing i had ever tasted in my life. i still say dat now. . . my mouth wud water just thinking abt it. . . and how heavenly it tasted.
after dat i started buying it myself. . . . at 1st i used to use abt a packet of 6 over 2 weeks....
as time went by... i found i was eating more and more. . . i used to eat it for dinner... and den again at supper. . sometimes lunch...
den it got worse. . . i began buying it at mamak if i wasnt at home to eat it... which meant lunchtime as welll..... pretty soon. . . i was using an average of 2 packets a week!!
dis is IndoMEe... its instant noodles... the amount of Msg... and seasoning and preservatives. .. my pooor poor liver...
as if dat wasnt bad enough i started developing rashes everytime i ate it.... it used to break out on my left arm... and i itched and itched and itched... till the skin started peeling... and den it became this big ugly patch..
and bcoz i was addicted to the 'magic noodles' the itchin didnt stop....wud jux keep reoccuring and my skin cuden heal properly. Den i found out a 1 or 2 others whu had the same problem... said dey'r arm itched like crazy. . ..
The tragic day came. . . wen my mum told me i was banned frm eating Indomee.. and i was like WTF??? NOOOO.. pls NOOOOOO... den she said... ok fine... 1 packet a mth. . .
it was absolute torture. . . . for those of u whu smoke u prob noe wat i mean. . .
the craving, the need to haf the noodles in my mouth was so strong.... at first i cuden.. it took along time.. . and sometimes i wud still eat it at the mamak. . . or elsewhr so my mum wuden noe. . . but then arm was gettin terrible... so i figured i had to stop.
it was difficult... but in the end i made it. . . . . . and i stopped eating it...
den a strange thing happened. .. . . . after sum weeks of absolute abstinence frm he 'magic noodles' i tried it again. . . and u noe wat??? i cuden even finish eating one packet... it made me feel sick. . . and up till now ive tried it on and off... and same thing.. . . . . thrs no more dat high feeling dat i used to get frm eating it.. . dunno wat happened... but thank God... or i prob wuden haf a left arm now = ).
this noodle fever lasted almost a year.. .. i noe ppl whu haf started gettin addicted. . i try to warn dem... but its kinda like smokin.. dey noe it bad... but dunt stop.
oh well... mayb dey'l haf to learn the hard way.
SUE INDO MEE!!! i bet they put sum kinda drugs in it... to lure u to it.. . . gettin u addicted.
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