wanna hear something funny?
ok first u haf to know.. . . i started lockin my car by pushing the button down and den closing the car door. . . coz its easier den using the key itself. . . and the control doenst work.
so few days ago. . . i went out for dinner with becca n sowmya ( soorrry pet. . . it was really 'out of the blue'. . coz i happened to haf the car n i was around dat area... else we wud haf def called u).. . . den wen it was over i went to pass something to Les whu was in jaya with bird,nicole and edwin. .. . . and deeeen.. . . . .
- i saw them so i parked at the nearest spot i cud find
- switched off the engine, grabbed my phone and wallet and got out.
- pushed down the ;lock thingy, and closed the door and walked towards dem
- after 5 steps. . . i froze. .. . . OHHH FCUKKK!
- i quickly turned and went back to the car. . . . NOOOOO
i left the bloody keys IN THE CAR!!!!
First thing datcame to my mind. . . shit my mum is gonna kill me.. . .
so den bird offered to take me home so i cud get the spare keys ( Thank GOD we had spare keys)
but deeen.. i realised my hse keys were in the car.. . . so had to go find my mum first to get the keys ( she wasnt at home).
all worked out good in the end. . . but u noe the other funny thing. . the keys weren't in the ignition. . it was at dat place under the handbreak... y d hell wud any1 put it thr???
hopeefully dat nvr happens again... it'd be terrible if i was stranded in KL or sumthing.
but lets jus say dat. . . now i always use the key to lock the door... even if im like 500% sure dat the car key is in my hand. =)
oookay... education calls( class starting). . . time to go. laterzz
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Key dilemma
I Cooked.
If ur reading this. then u know me and uve met me,
i know it looks a lilttle weird. . . . . but really it was fine.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
st rub and rub and rrrrrUB my eyes. . . till it feels funny den i check it out in the mirror and go... ohh shit' better stop rubbing!
it has become really scary, once my mum freaked out.. . . really freaked... i cuden even close my eyes properly... my fault la...(coz i kinda over-rubbed it)
but itssss really itchy.... imagine if u had and itch... u wanna get rid of dat feeling... wat if ppl just told u dunt itch.... but its thr... its annoyin.. u HAF TO ITCH!
soooooo neway... 2 days ago... it was weird..
was itchy
i rubbed n rubbed
felt funny. . . looked in the mirror
but ohh shit....my eyes werent red. . my eye lid was swollen..
went home... my muM : OMGG nAAATtt!! ur eyes... oh no.. u need 2 see a doctor
me: NO nO.. i dowaaaaaaan no needd( unless u can guarantee me dey gonna take a blood test)
in the end i went..coz i really thot dey were gonna take a blood sample.... seriously its been like 2 yrs or something since ive had anyone stick a needle into me...... but today morning... and guess wat???
doctor : let me explain to u ur condition, u haf wat is known as allergic conjuctivitis... common in people with a history of asthma( dats meee!) and excema( also me!)
ur eye is bascially more sensitive. . . can be towards anything. . . but mainly dust
hmm.. ok i knew all dat... ive had this since i was 8!
one dumb dr. told me not to eat choc wen i was 8... said dat was the cause... yeah right!!!! he prob had diabetis and was just jealous of those whu cud happily consume sugar and yummy foods.
but now its different... she has prescibed eye drops dat are supposed to help me!!! yay! finally after like 10 yrs of suffering i am freee ( finger crossed)
will go in for another check-up in 3 mths.
ohh and sadly No blood test.... shud haf just asked the lady to pls just take one. sighh...oh well.. next time. hopefully.
nothing at all
i dunno if i have blogged bout this yet. if i haf den sorry =)
me no no like blogging at home, my internet explorer is crappy frappy, i cant' see shits. . . my page as u ppl noe is green right.. . and the words are mostly colourful... but at home its just all black and white ( very bleak and boring)
dats why i usually blog in coll between classes. . . .
also... i dunt really have anything to blog about. . .
have an assignment due... dat i found out abt on Tues. . .
those weird super essays!! i hate it. . . simply because dey wanna see how well our citation skills are...
well... SCREW U!!! i hate citation, and referencing. . . i HATE IT!!!
sighhh.... shud prob start on the essay soon.. its due mon
i haf actually passed on a one- day-roadtrip to penang just for this bloody essay which i havent started =(....
ohhh... and also... im eating too much... and sleepin too much...
dunt be surprise if when u see me...i resemble a balloon.
laterz. . . . . . . .
Friday, September 14, 2007
crazy buns
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
im sitting in the Web at college (TCSJ)
and ders lotsa empty computers everywhere. . .
few mins ago... dis guy comes and sits next to me. . . kinda weird. .
ppl here usually try and sit far away. . . . so dis makes me suspicious
but obviously i do nothin or say nothing.
den he kept lookin over to see wats on my com. . . like wth
go away u werird creature person * but again, i kept dat to myself)
moments later.. . he's com isnt loading properly. .*its a sign. . . GOD is trying to protect me*
so he gets up and moves away. . . * i sigh with relief*
2 mins later i look behind me and. . . OH NOOO! he'z right behind me, merely inches away. .
* the table its curving and im at one corner and he'z behind/next to me*ITS VERY CLOSE!
personal space invasion!
i look around and see all these other empty coms, y is he so near me????
ummm. . . i wonder if he can see wat im typing. .????
GoodNESS. . . he prob can.. . . eeeeeeeeeeks!!!
me runningaway.. . safetly to exam halll
UMMM. . . .
umm. . . . .
umm. . . . .
hmmm??? *scratches head*
er. . . . . . . . . .
i had something to say.. . . but ive forgotten. . .
heheh. . . oops. sorry =)
Earthquake! earthquaaaaaaaaaaKE!
oooh i havent posted anythin for damn long adi, almost 10 days *gasp* the horror!
doesnt dat just tell u how busy i am?? altho busy doin excatly wat, ive no idea. . . .. .
Had 2 tests this week, well the 2nd one is in approximately 60 mins. and dats sux
but its alllllll gOOD. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . because. . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . .. .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .IM ON HOLIDAY NEXT WEEK!!!!! yay!!!
*claps hands in glee* *wide grin*
isn't dat FUN???!?!?!?
YAY!!!!! college is boriiiiiiNg, i cant wait to sit at home and watch endless hours of Lword =)
sighhh.... sadly its only for a week...
oH btw u must be wondering y the title says earthquake.
7.45 - leave my hse to get to coll ( mum drving)
8.10 - reach infront of TBS building.
mum: y is everyone standing outside?? U better go check mayb dey' have closed the building
me: hmm??? (momentarily enticed by dat thought... but den remmebers dat
both my classes are not in that building anyway =( . Ummm. . dese kids prob waiting
for class to start???
mum: u sure?? mayb u shud check i might haf to bring u back home.
me: dunt worry ( coz it dunt make a diff to me neway right??)byeeeeeeeee
i get down. . . and walk towards the lift coz i wanted to go use the com (2nd floor)
people look weird.. . so i ask this girl y is every1 standing here and
girl : ohh. . apparently the building fell sum tremors from the aftershock of yesterday's earthquake like the last time. . . so we had to evacuate.
me: oOOOOhhhhhh
note the words like the last time, this happened before!! last sem, when i was conveniently on the 11th floor..... and we had to walk down all the way.. . . but yea we were really swaying ( i used to wake up in the night coz i felt i was swaying after dat, poor lil traumatized me)
dunt this mean dat the building is UNSAFE!!!!!
think. .. . if der was an earthquake. . . here... in KL or somewhr close. . . i am preetty sure dat building will collapse, and wen it does. .. .. lets just say... i dunt plan to be in it. =)
conclusion::::: we shud tear down the buildings, TBS and ADP (just for good measure)
and reBUILD!!!
earthquake!!! earthquaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKE!!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
tired eyes,tired mind
i feel throughly exhausted. the feeling is similar to what one might experience if they'd been through a hurricane.
i am so sleepy. my head has issues with me.
my stupid right eye is swollen AGAIN! ( for the 4th time this week)
i have flu which just adds to the sleepy-ness. bloody histamines.
And to top it all off. . .. my back is killing me. why?? why????
Im 19 years old. . . why d hell shud i be having back problems? aren't those for ppl like over 50?
aNd for the best part? i have class in 45mins. . . . . sighhhhhhhhhhhhh
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Sad Excuse
it is now 12:26. . .. . hardly 2 hrs ago i was sitting here doin the same thing (blogging)
went for my Econs class and came right back. . . . sighhh
wat kinda person ditches lunch to go blog????!?!?!
a sad excuse for a person. . . . . . and dat
. . . . . . . . .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . is ME!
GUES WAT I SAW???!?!?!?
ooooooHHH... if u didnt noe b4 den im tellin u now. . . .
:: turns heads
:: makes ur heart go dub-dub-dub.... dub-dub-dub instead of plain ol' duuuB-duuuB
the beaOOOO-tiful creation was thr.
no in reality... i just stood there admiring it from the sidelines. . wishin desperately i knew the guy whu was sitting inside... simply so i cud be in thr too =) and mayb kick him out so i can enjoy the car by myself.
and with mucccHo effort i calmly walked away as though nothin had happened. sighhhh.
i have yet to see a Red one.
Yesterday was the Kid's Bday. . . i made her an interesting lookin card. . .
So me and Panda thot we'd go eat ice-cream. Les came along.
okaaaay..... like Wtf. . here i am tryin to capture sum beauty moments but God knows wat dey'r doin. -_-
Fuck, seriously... this uploading thing is taking too long. And NO it is not my com, am using a diff faster com, it is blogspots fault.
Monday, September 3, 2007
decisions. . . .
tommorrow is the Kid's birthday. . .
Went to memory lane to find mortifyingly horrendous looking cards which deserved only to be given to the uncreative highly untalented people who made the cards in the first place.
SooOOOO... the decision i have to make is.....
make a Card for her or Not? ? ?
maybe i shud....
afterall she was like the only one whu made me feel like it was my bday.
she bought me a small muffin-size chocolate-banana cake thingy.. . and made me a very interesting card.
Grandma was the one whu always made a fuss over our b'days.. . . now dat she'z not really capable its doenst feel like a birthday.
So conclusion. . . . .
i shall get her a slice of sum cake and make her card.
my mum will fulfill the proper present part '$$$'
decision made!
Merdeka Eve. KL road trip!!!
So for Merdeka Eve i had tons of ppl askin me if i wanted to go 2 KL. . . Zouk, Maisons. . . Curve. . . . Hartamas to usher in our 50th year Independance Anniversary.
N O W A Y! was my answer to all these ppl... the thought of driving around in the jam possibly spending the crucial 12am merdeka moment in the car was absolutely unappealing.
My plan was to mayb haf sum nice dinner near by... . . den be safetly in a house watching Lesbian movies and eating chocolate. N watch sum nice fireworks
but this is wat i did :
:: met Les and chilled in the car 4 ovr and hour
::stressed to Zu and Pet on SMS of my NO WAy factor
::met the gang at TGIF
:: 11.45we decided dat Bukit Gasing wud probably haf a spectacular view of fireworks. (pet didnt come seeing as she hates dem)
::went only to find that the bloody bukit was facing PJ (oh welll....)
::so we dropped ppl off
::wanted to meet the guys but they were at Maison's
TO GO OR NOT TO GO. . . . . . . .
we decided to go! i agreed solely becoz i believed dat the traffic wud be in the opposite direction.
so we went got caught up in lil jams here and thr.
problem was . .. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . .
:: road blocks all over the place.. .. .
n im not very good with directions. . .
unfortunately pet n Zu were no better.. . . so we were making right and left turns here and there hoping to sumhow end up on the right road.
:::Den i made one specific turn to the right only to find dat cars were comin TOWARDS me!
finally we reached Maisons at 3AM. . . managed to squeeze ourselves in thru the closing doors so dat Zu could dance to one song. . . even tho the lights were on!
Den we spent time watching our sad drunk frenz. specifically CW. . .
whu'z testosterone level and hormone-level seem to increase wen high.
he was tryin to hit on all of us. . . dat strange boy. . . . practically had to fend him off with a pole. . . or more accurately Brian...hahah
Finally we got back to PJ... . went to berMamaking . . saw ppl fight.
and our heads hit the pillow and around 7 Am. . .
All in ALL it was a Good Merdeka celebration! = )